William 5th April 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I got a nice surprise when I got down there to the kitchen to make my poor Mum her coffee yesterday, as poor Percy was curled up on Charlie’s chair by the scary old washing machine… I cannot remember if I had a cuddle from him. I was able to spend time down there with my poor Mum yesterday, and set up a foot thingy to help with her poor legs that have gotten all swollen, I am worried about her. All my sister seems to do is play that blasted computer game, and complains when she has to make our poor Mum’s dinner or make her a cup of tea. She also has to feed something else, which just sits there waiting for its huge plateful of food to be brought over to it, that is what makes her angry. In the middle of yesterday afternoon, I had to get out of the way before something came crashing through the big scary old door. George was crying out there when I got up here, but there was nothing that I could do, but I fed her when I went back down there in the late afternoon, then after I had got a drink ready, I had to get back up here. Molly started with her wailings last night, and she would not stop… she stays quiet all day, and always starts when I want to get into bed. I am so tired little girl, I look as if I have two great big black eyes. I had another awful night, and woke up this morning later than I did yesterday, but I did not get to sleep last night until much, much later than I usually do. Molly still has the hump with me because of the flea treatment that I gave her the night before last, and will probably do so for at least a few more days. I fed poor Percy and George this morning, let George out with a big lump of ham, gave Percy his usual, then got up here out the way. I gave Percy another packet of food when I went back down there to make the coffee, and managed to get myself some biscuits before I had to get out of the way again. I am early this morning because a doctor and nurse are coming to see my poor Mum, her poor legs are swollen, and keep giving away on her. I love you Topsy, I love you so much little girl, and I miss you, I miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XxX