William 4th March 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I was awake yesterday about two hours after midnight, and I tried for an hour to get back to sleep, but could not, so I got up, and sat in this chair flicking through the rubbish that was on the telly. There was nothing worth wasting my eyesight on, but I cannot remember what I did for the next two hours before I went downstairs, I just know that I did not fall asleep, as I feel awful right now. I had a few things to do downstairs before I went into the kitchen, where the usual great pile of swilled down bottles had just been dumped down for dopey me to take outside. How anything can get through so many bottles of drink in a week is beyond me, no wonder it is always in the bathroom swattering like an old camel. When I opened the garden doors, poor Percy ran in, but George was not there, though she did come along after a while. I gave them both two packets of food, but after that, the next thing that I can remember is making my poor Mum’s coffee, and then going into town. I had to get the usual things that are grabbed and gobbled down as soon as I bring them back here, but when I went to get the stuff that I wanted, the shelves were bare… no the noodles that I like, they had all been grabbed, and when I went to get some biscuits, they were gone as well. Just two things I can eat in this house, noodles or biscuits, and they were gone. I managed to get different noodles, but they are not the same, so I was going to order some when I had got back here. I had meant to get a big box of catfood, but I would not have been able to carry it, so it shall have to wait until next week, then that will be gone as well. When I got back here, the washing machine had gone wrong, and it took me nearly all afternoon to fix. By the time that I had finished, it was about ten minutes before I go down there in the late afternoon, so I thought that I might as well get my drink ready for the evening. However, a great big woolly surprise awaited me, as something was waiting for me to get out of the way so that it could go trundling off to the chip shop… I was in the kitchen, nowhere near its trundling’s, but I had to get out of its spoilt, elbowing, snorting way. I was so tired last night, and as I got into bed, Molly decided to come burring across, and start eating her food, so I had to wait in case she was sick, she was not, so I got back in, hoping for a good sleep. Of course, I did not get one, I kept waking up, and this morning I was awake early again… thankfully, not as early as yesterday but I was still very tired. I got up anyway, as Percy and George were waiting out there for food, and I did not know if it was raining. It was not raining when I opened the garden doors, and Percy ran in, but I had to coax George in with a saucer. I gave them two packs of food each, and George wanted to go out when she had finished, so out she went with a big lump of ham, I got Percy his usual ready, then I got up here out of the way. I had to get out of the way when I went back down to make the coffee, but managed to see poor Percy, and get some biscuits before I did so. I love you Topsy, and I miss you little girl XXXXX