William 2nd March 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. The slamming of the garden doors that I heard yesterday morning was not poor Percy being shoved out, as I thought. The racket that I heard was the sound of something taking a great big pile of its newspapers and magazines out there to the cardboard and paper bin, which shocked me almost as much as it did seeing that poor Percy was still curled up asleep on Charlie’s chair. I then had to let him out though. When I went back down there late yesterday afternoon, it was pouring down, and something was already waiting for me to get out of the way so that it could go trundling to the chip shop. I was hoping George would come crying at the garden doors, but she did not come in the little time that I was allowed down there. She did come when I went back down there to get my noodles though, and she had a good feed… she also wanted to stay in, but that was not allowed. I had another awful night, and when I woke up this morning, went straight down there to let Percy and George in… it had bern raining all night. I gave them their food, and when they had finished, and I had washed everything up, I left them in the kitchen, and got up here out of the way. George wanted to go out while I was getting the coffee ready, so I let her out, then got Percy his usual ready, then I realised that I had not given George her usual big lump of ham. George was waiting for it as I opened the garden doors, and I gave her the ham, but just after I took my poor Mum’s coffee into her, where of course, something was waiting for me to get out of the way. I had just got back to the kitchen, when George started crying again, and dopey me thought that she wanted more ham, but she wanted to come back inside. I had to go and ask if she could come back in, but she was not allowed, as gobbling’s would be interrupted. I was already running late, and was in the way, but I went back to see poor Percy, then got back up here. I have to go into town tomorrow little girl, so I will not be able to come on here to Charlie and you, but I should be back the day after. I love you beautiful Topsy, and I miss you too little girl. XxX