William 2nd February 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. Yesterday was better than usual little girl, even though I had to get out of somethings way each time that I went down there to the kitchen. I have started to feel a bit better little girl, I managed to eat a bowl of noodles last evening without choking, though I do not think that I will be able to again this evening. I have changed Molly’s food, and was glad that she was not sick the other night, but last night, she was. She waited until just before I was going to get into bed, jumped onto the bed and started to be sick… I just about managed to get her out of the way before she was sick everywhere. I have to take Tiddles to the vet tomorrow, and it is just as well that I am getting better, because nobody else could be bothered, though my poor Mum cannot take her. I am not going into town, I had to go two weeks ago to buy pies, and they were left in the fridge to go off. The same thing happened last week, so I am just going to get a haircut, stay out for as long as I possibly can, pick up my poor Mum’s medication, and then reluctantly come back here. I have run out of things to tell you again little girl, maybe I will have plenty to blather on about the day after tomorrow. I love you and I miss you Topsy. XXXXX