William 24th January 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I am so sorry for not coming on here for all this time little girl, and I missed your little Angel Day as well, but that great big poisonous, selfish lump made me very ill, and not just me, it made my poor Mum and little sister ill as well. It was not at all concerned with my poor Mum being ill, all it wanted her to do was hand over loads of money so that it could go sailing round to the chip shop to get piles of deep fried stuff to shovel down. It was just the same with that evil old ogre, he would make us all ill with its poisonous spluttering’s, and still carry on shovelling and gobbling like there was no tomorrow. Of course, that is as far as it would go to get gobbling’s, it would not go into town, dopey daft me had to do that last week, and the pies that I brought brought back were soon gone. I felt absolutely awful when I got back, and cannot remember the past four days. I can remember a whole roasted chicken being gobbled down yesterday though, it is not something that I could easily forget… if I knew that I could get away with it, I would whack the blasted greedy odd thing over the head with a spade. I love you Topsy, I love you so much little girl, and I miss you, I miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX