William 26th December 2021

Good morning beautiful Topsy. Yesterday was better than I thought that it would be, even though something did try to get an argument going. I meant to bring flowers out to all your little resting places when I got up yesterday morning little girl, but of course, dopey daft me forgot, though I did bring them out around midday. I made my poor Mum her coffee, but than I had to get out of the way, as something was waiting to do gobbling’s, or whatever. My little sister did ask me to come back down about an hour later, but when she and my poor Mum went down there to the kitchen, something started snorting like an angry old bull with its dangly bits caught in a gate. I put up with it as long as I could, but then had to leave before I said something, which would have started an argument… which was just as well, as I only remembered then that I had not been on to see Jenny. I was asked to go back downstairs about an hour later, and when I went into the room, something went spinning off out, and up the stairs to its cave like that cartoony tasmanian devil. Before I had to get out the way again, I went down to the kitchen for a few sprouts. I put a few onto a plate, broke then up, added salt, and ate some… they were delicious, I love sprouts. Of course, I choked on the bit that I had eaten, which put me off from having some more, with roast spuds and Yorkshire pudding. I just got up here out of the way, and something went thundering down the stairs for it gigantic feed before I had even got sat down. I had to make do with another bowl of noodles, which thankfully, I did not choke on. After I had gone down there to get Molly last night, and had then got back up here out of somethings way, I was so tired, I got into bed earlier than usual. I had the usual night of wakings up, and was awake at the new usual time this mornings… I could not believe it. It was absolutely pouring down when I got down there to the kitchen and opened the garden doors, and poor Percy ran in straight away, though George stayed out there. I could not even entice her in with an empty plate, but she did come in when I showed her a full one. George wanted to go out as soon as she finished, so I let her out with a big lumpings of ham, got Percy his usual ready, then got up here out of the way. I had been ordered to put poor Percy out when I went back down to make the coffee, but it was raining even harder than it was when I got up, and he did not want to go out, but I put him out. As I closed the garden doors, I thought of that selfish gobbling odd thing, then I opened them again… poor Percy, he came running back in, and I apologised for being such a horrible odd human. When I took my poor Mum’s coffee into her, there was something waiting for me to get out of the way, so up here I had to get with my coffee and a few biscuits. About an hour later, it had stopped raining, and I went back down to the kitchen to let poor Percy out, though he still did not want to go. I felt awful having to put poor Percy out, but I could not do anything about it… more gobbling’s have to be done today. At least I did not choke on the biscuits, and then I have the noodles to look forward to this evening. I love you Topsy, I love you so much little girl, and I miss you, I miss you so much you beautiful, brave little girl. XXXXX