William 20th December 2021

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I felt a bit better yesterday little girl, but something had to go wrong, and it did. While I was in town the other day, I had bought my poor Mum the bacon that she likes, and hid it in the fridge so it could not be grabbed and gobbled down. There was already bacon in there, and two big packs were delivered the other day with that great big pile of shopping… I had also asked for six great big lumps of pork as well. When I got down there to the kitchen, things had been moved around in the fridge, and the bacon that I had hidden was gone, it had been grabbed, cooked, and gobbled down with the other bacon that was in there. It was just as it was with the evil old ogre, as I would hide my food in there, and when I would go to get it, he would have found it, and gobbled it down as one of his snacks between snacks, between big feedings. I was so angry, and got back up here out of the way before I said anything, and to make me even angrier, three of the lumps of pork that were delivered the other day, were gobbled down yesterday. I thought I would choke on my noodles last evening, but I did not, though I choked on my medication when I went down there to get Molly last night… something was also waiting for me to get out of the way, and I do not even know if I had a good nights sleep. I woke up at the new usual time, but went back to sleep for forty minutes, and got up feeling a bit calmer. Percy and George ran in when I opened the garden doors, and when George had finished, she did not want to go out, as it has gotten cold again. I left them in the kitchen, and got up here out of the way, and when I went back down to check on them, George still did not want to go out… she was the same when I went back down to make the coffee. Of course, I had to get out of the way quickly… but I gave Percy some more food before I had to get out of the way, and George woke up to help him eat it, she had already eaten most of his other food as well. There was nothing that I could do though, as something was in full-snort, and was waiting for me to get up here out of its way. Not long ago, I heard the garden doors being slammed, so George has probably been shoved out with poor Percy. Shoved out so something can have another good feed… if I ate meat, and had eaten the amount that something shovelled down yesterday, I would have been very ill, and would not have been able to eat for days. The gobbling’s are going to get more and more this week, until I go down there to the kitchen at the end of the week, and find the the fridge freezery thingy has just been gobbled down during the night. I love you Topsy, I love you so much little girl, and I miss you, I miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX