William 12th December 2021

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I felt a bit better yesterday than I did the day before little girl, poor Percy was still in when I went down there to the kitchen, but I had to put him out before I made my poor Mum her coffee. As usual, something very large and hairy was waiting for me to get out of its thundering way, but when I took my poor Mum’s coffee into her, I was asked if I wanted to stay down, much to the annoyance of the same large, hairy odd thing. It went barging out of the room, and into the hallway, then went snorting of out like a deranged steam train. Just over two hours later, it came crashing through the big scary old door, saw that I was still sat down there, then went snorting off out again. I waited a while, then got back up here before it came crashing through the big scary old door again… I did not want to get it angry, all sorts of things happen then, and I did not want doors to be slammed. I wanted some mushroom soup last evening, but it takes too long to get ready, as something is always waiting for me to get out of the way so it can come thundering down the hallway, so I had to make do with noodles again. Thankfully, I did not choke on them, which was a surprise for me, and after I went down there for Molly last night, then had to get out of the way again, I got into bed. I was soon asleep, but then was soon awake again. I woke up about six times last night, and I was so tired when I woke up very early again this morning, I just turned over and went back to sleep. I knew poor Percy and George were waiting, but I was just too tired to move, and eventually crawled out of bed aboot twenty minutes before I used to get up… and that was early enough. Molly greeted me as I crawled across the bed, and she settled down when I had pulled the duvet back. Percy and George came running in as soon as I opened the garden doors, and I gave them both a good feed, then got back up here out of the way. I had to let them out when I went back down to make the coffee, as something was rubbing its hooves together, licking the back of its hairy neck, and looking forward to an even bigger feed today than it usually gets during the week. I love you Topsy, I love you so much little girl, and I miss you, I miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX