William 17th October 2021

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I have been wanting to give Molly’s tray a good scrubbing for a while, and hoped that I would be able to do so yesterday. When I got down there to the kitchen just before midday yesterday, my poor Mum told me that something was waiting for me to get out of the way, so I made the coffee quickly, then got back up here as quickly as I could. I still made to wait though, and I was made to wait until exactly one hour after midday. Molly came down there with me, and I left her in her favourite place, the kitchen, while the tray was scrubbed… but I had to put her in one of the rooms when I took the bag of used Catsan out there to the bin. I did not want to hang around for long, and got back up here out of the way, and filled Molly’s tray with fresh Catsan and deodoriser. I only had half a bag of Catsan left, as some thieving odd thing decided to help theirselves to the other one, rather than buy one themselves. I certainly will not be keeping them on the landing anymore… something and that evil old ogre are exactly the same, he used to thieve off me as well, they both have. I did not feel hungry when I went down there to the kitchen late yesterday afternoon, which was just as well, as something was waiting for me to get out of its way, so that it could have another good feed. When I went back down there last evening, I was hungry, and had a small bowl of noodles. There was another great pile of tins just left on the side for dopey daft me to take out, I have lost count of how many it has been in just three days, but it is well into double digits. Of course, I had to be quick down there in the kitchen, as something was waiting for me to get out of its way again. After I had let Molly downstairs, and had then had to get out of somethings way yet again, I got into bed, and was asleep quickly, then awake again. I had about the same kind of night as usual, and did not want to get up this morning, and just laid there, hoping to get back off to sleep… but I did not, so I got out of bed, and accidentally kicked Molly in her face. I did not know that she was there, as I had not moved, she must know when I wake up, and gets ready to settle down where I have been sleeping before I have even got out of bed. I apologised, but she still has not been near me yet. I gave Percy and George a good feed, let George out with ham, left Percy with a saucer of ham, with some salmony squishy squirty thingy on top, and got back up here before I was mown down by a rogue thingy. When it started to get light, I went back down to take those blasted tins out to the bin, and Percy wanted to go out, then he came galloping back in, then I had to put him back out, because it is Sunday, the day when even more food is gobbled down. I came up here for Molly so she could see my poor Mum, made the coffee, got some biscuits from the fridge, and got back up here, as something was waiting for me to get out of their selfish, spoilt, gurning way. I just got up here in time before I heard the thundering of hooves down the hallway, but at least I could hear the beautiful little birds singing away out there. That was until the beautiful sounds were ruined by a couple of insane yapping swamp dogs. As I tap this out, something is sat in one of the rooms, expecting to be fed several huge breakfasts… it does not matter that my poor Mum and little sister are not well, and are hardly eating anything, it is waiting to be fed. My little sister is in the kitchen cooking it now, I was ordered to get two big tubs of mushrooms the other day while I was in town, they were still in the fridge this morning, but will all be gone by this afternoon when I go there again. Then plates will be left on the dining table for someone else to wash up, and when that is done, something will be sat there in the same place, looking forward to another great feed this afternoon, and then again this evening. Dopey daft me… I might have another small bowl of noodles, and that will not be until this evening. I will be glad when tomorrow comes little girl, at least we will get a few hours peace from the thing that never stops gobbling, swilling, jabbering, and swattering. Someone has decided to come along the lane there, and they have brought their great big cakehole with them, and that has started off those swamp hounds… maybe there will be some quiet around half past next year. I love you Topsy, I love you so much little girl, and I miss you, I miss you so much too you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX