William 5th October 2021

Good morning beautiful Topsy. It felt awful all day yesterday little girl, coughing and spluttering, spluttering and coughing… it was a horrible day, and I choked on a small piece of bread that I had with my mushroom soup last evening. I wanted to get into bed early, but yet again my head ended up hitting the pillows later than ever, then I had that awful feeling when I woke up that it should be just three hours after midnight, but it was almost time to get up. It was pouring down again when I opened the garden doors, and there were more blasted tins than there were yesterday, just left there on the side for dopey daft me to take out there to the bins. Poor Percy and George were soaked through, and I gave them both a good feed, and when George wanted to go out, I gave her a lump of ham, gave Percy some ham and salmon, then got up here out of the way before I was crushed underneath something. It takes a lot to keep me down, but I will not be able to take Tiddles to the vets the day after tomorrow. Nothing else can be bothered to take her, something will not let my little sister do it, they will not do it their selfish selves, and would just sit there and let my poor Mum do so, and I am not letting that happen. I will call the vets soon and ask for another appointment for next week, hopefully, I should be feeling much better by then. I feel so awful, I cannot go on much more little girl… if I am not on here tomorrow, it will be because I cannot move properly. I love you Topsy, and I miss you. XXXXX