William 22nd September 2021

Good morning beautiful Topsy. Those dogs hardly stopped barking yesterday morning little girl, though there was nothing from that deranged lunatic. When I got down there to the kitchen just before midday, poor Percy was still in, and I managed to have another nice long cuddle before I let him out. Of course, something was waiting for me to get out of the way so that it could get dressed… I do not know what it had been doing since I had to get out the way that morning. It was most probably gobbling and guzzling, but I was not going to rush, and gave my wonky odd finger a thoroughly good cleaning, dressed it, then made some coffee. When I went into a room with my poor Mum’s coffee, I had been downstairs for almost an hour, so I had to get back up here before I was charged at, barged at, growled at, or bitten, and if I had not hurried up, I would have probably got all four. As soon as I got back up here, those dogs started. As those dogs barked and snarled, I thought that I heard something different, and then I realised that it was that deranged psychopath trundling up and down the fence, barking, snorting, and growling. Thankfully, it did not last for long, and one of its large, troll-like, woolly-haired, grey-haired, pipe-smoking odd mothering mother’s came out to drag it back inside… I was expecting some deranged howling from it, but that did not happen. The rest of the afternoon is a blank, I cannot remember anything until I went downstairs late in the afternoon. I was hungry, and got some mushroom soup ready for the evening, but something was waiting for a good feed, so I had to get out of the way, and did not have time to add any blue cheese. I could not get down there at the usual time last evening, and by the time that I did get down there, I had to get out of the way at the same time I usually do. I had got down there more than ten minutes later than I usually do, and I had to put Molly in the bathroom in her tray, get her food and fresh water, and make myself a drink. By the time I had done that, something was waiting for me to get out the way so it could come thundering down the hallway, so I had no time for silly things like food. Of course, something had made sure that it had a huge feed, almost a whole packet of blasted sausages with a huge tin of beans. A load of empty tins had suddenly appeared, though all someone had to do was open the garden doors, and put them in the recycling bin… but ohhhh no, it was left for dopey daft me to do. I managed to get a few biscuits, but biscuits for dinner is not very nice, I cannot imagine something sitting down with a few jam and cream, and a few chocolate hob-nobs for their dinner, though they would still be gobbled down. When I went down there for Molly last night, I heard a couple of old trolls jabbering away as loudly as they could, and thought that one of their yee-hawrin family orgies was starting up again, but they must have only been guzzling down large bottles of vodka, and puffing away on cigars or pipes. When I got into bed, I was soon asleep, but woke up a couple of times, and did not really want to get up this morning, but I did, as Percy and George were waiting. I gave them both a good feed, let George out with a big lump of ham, and gave Percy his usual before getting back up here out the way. I had to do that again when I went to make the coffee, and something is most probably gobbling down whatever it can get its fat, greedy hands on in the kitchen right now, while my poor Mum waits on it. I have to go into town again tomorrow little girl, so I will not be able to come on here to Charlie and you. I shall probably have to stagger back here with more food for something to gobble down… most of what I brought back last week has mostly been shovelled down by one thing, I shall be lucky if I can bring back anything for myself. I love you Topsy, I love you so much little girl, and I miss you, I miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX