William 1st September 2021

Good morning beautiful Topsy. Yesterday was a horrible day little girl, those dogs did not stop barking all morning, and carried on all afternoon as well. If that was not bad enough, when I got back up here after midday, someone from the doctors called me to cancel my appointment, I should have had been down there three times by today, yet I cannot get down there to see a nurse for another ten days. When I finished talking, those yapping dogs were let out again to bark and jump at the big old fence. When they stopped, that crosseyed, big-mouthed, red-eyed lunatic came to the fence, and shouted out “MARM, MARRRM, MARRRRRM” as loud as its four inbred, mutated lungs would allow it, and that was very annoying. The deranged blasted thing cannot even say mum properly, yet it swears in perfect english. I was so angry, that I shouted out, and it went back inside, but the dogs started up again. By the time that I went down there to the kitchen late yesterday afternoon, I had calmed down, but when I looked out there into the garden, I saw that a greedy pig-eon had knocked the big basket of nuts out of the tree again. That got me all wound up and angry again, and I was so angry, I was not going to eat anything… but I was so hungry, I had to. Of course, something was waiting for me to get out the way so that it could be fed, so I got my soup ready, and got back up here so many chomping’s, gnawings, and loud swallowing’s could be done. At least I did not choke on my soup last evening, and even with more blasted barking’s, I did not get angry again. I got all wound up just after I had brought Molly up here, as she was howling to go back downstairs again, but I did not get angry, I just put her on the bed. I cannot tap on for much longer little girl, those blasted yapping things have not stopped since I woke up this morning, and right now, I feel as if I am going to explode. I have to go into town again tomorrow little girl, and I am going to have to bring back more food for something to grab and gobble down the most of, and I doubt there will be enough room to get myself anything… but that does not matter, as long as something else can have five big meals a day. Then, when I get back here, I will have to get out the way as quickly as I can, so something can go trundling off out to get even more food to gobble, chomp, and shovel down. I will hopefully be back on here the day after tomorrow little girl, but the way I am feeling right now, I do not know where I will be. I love you Topsy, I love you so much little girl, and I miss you, I miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX