William 10th August 2021

Good morning beautiful Topsy. Yesterday was about as bad as usual little girl, even though something was not here waiting for me to get out of the way. It was soon back here though, and when I went down there to the kitchen late yesterday afternoon, I had to get out of the way quickly, as it was waiting to be fed. I had just enough time to get some mushroom soup ready, then back up here I had to get so something could have another good feed. There was a lot of rain again, and I looked out there in the gardens for poor Percy when I could, but I did not see him. When I was allowed back downstairs for a while last evening, I brought Molly’s food and water in here, got my soup ready, and then I had to get back up here out the way yet again, as something was waiting to go charging down the hallway. Molly stayed down there in the kitchen, but wanted to come back up here with me last night. She usually wants to stay down there as long as possible, but I have to bring her up with me when I can, as I am not allowed back down there after a certain time. If I dare to go down there after a certain time, there are loud, wild snorting’s and trumpeting’s, doors are slammed as hard as possible, and there is a lot of stampeding up and down the hallway. If it was not for my poor Mum, I would be out of here with Molly, then let us see how those two would get on. I think that I had a good sleep, though it felt that it should have been much earlier than it was when I woke up this morning. I went down there to the kitchen, fed Percy and George, gave George ham when she went out, and gave Percy his saucer of stuff, then I had to get back up here before I was flattened by a stampeding something something. That is when time flew by again, and it was time for me to go back downstairs to make the coffee. Out of the way I had to get again, I got myself some biscuits, gave Percy a packet of chicken, got back up here, and choked on the first couple of biscuits. I love you Topsy, I love you so much little girl, and I miss you, I miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX