William 26th July 2021

Good morning beautiful Topsy. By the time that I went down there to the kitchen late yesterday mornings, it still had not rained, and of course, I had to get out of the way as soon as I got down there. It came over all dark just after I had got up here out of the way, I could hear thunder way over the back there. A couple of hours later, that thundering thunderstorm that should have been here last week finally arrived. It lasted for about an hour, then started up again when I went back downstairs late yesterday afternoon. Of course, I had to get out the way, so I was not down there for long, as chomping’s and champing’s were waiting to be done. When I went back down there for a bit of cheese and a few crisps last evening, I thought that Molly would want to stay down there, but she wanted to come up here with me, and when we got up here, she wanted to go back down. It had not even been a minute, but as I took Molly back downstairs, something was thundering down the hallway, and when it heard me, started moaning and wittering about me coming back downstairs again. I left Molly in the kitchen, and got back up here as quickly as I could, and feeling even lower than I already felt. I managed to get Molly back up here last night without getting in anythings way again, and just sat here listening to the rain. Seeing as that storm had cleared the air, I was hoping that I would get a good nights sleep, but of course, I did not, I had a horrible night, and was awake early again this morning. Molly greeted me as I got dressed, and I staggered off downstairs to feed Percy and George. I gave them both a good feed, then a load of ham, then got back up here before I got in somethings way again. Of course, I had to get out of the way again when I went back down to make the coffee. I was just going to get out the way, when I noticed a beautiful jay at the big basket of nuts, so I stayed to watch, and another one came along. I did not realise that I was there for so long, I must have been there more than ten minutes just watching them, it made me feel a lot better. Of course, then I was brought back down to earth again, and had to get out of the way before I was flattened up against the wall. I love you Topsy, I love you so much little girl, and I miss you, I miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX