William 18th July 2021

Good morning beautiful Toppy. Percy had been let out when I got down there to the kitchen just before midday yesterday, and then my poor Mum told me that something was waiting for me to get out of its way. I was already feeling very low because of choking on my biscuits and coffee, then that blasted thing from the swamp squawking out there, but being told that I was in somethings way as soon as I got down there to the kitchen only made me feel worse. Percy had already been let out, so I did what I had to do, made some more coffee, and got back up here out the way. Two strange things happened during the afternoon, I managed to drink my coffee without choking, and that thing from the swamp was not out there, though there was a screaming kid over the back that screamed loudly now and again. When I went back downstairs late yesterday afternoon, I was in the way yet again. Piles of sandwiches were waiting to be made, so I had to be quick again. Even though it was very hot, I was very hungry, so I got myself some soup ready, it was not as if I had a choice anyway, then I got back up here out the way again. When I went back down there last evening, I had to hurry up again, and Molly did not want to come back up with me, so I left her in the kitchen. I kept going back down to check on her, but she has the hump with me again. She did not want to come up with me last night, so I had to carry her. I had yet another restless night, was awake early again this morning, and got no greetings from Molly. I fed Percy and George, let George out with ham, gave Percy his saucer of ham, duck, and salmon, then got back up here before I got in somethings way again. I had to let Percy out when I went back down to make the coffee, but gave him a little while longer. Percy almost cleared his saucer before I had to put him out, then I made coffee, got some biscuits, and had to get out of the way again. I somehow managed to eat some biscuits, and drink my coffee without choking, so I do not feel so low as I usually do. However, chickens are roasting away in the oven, and huge breakfasts are being cooked, and the heat is making me feel about as low as I would feel if I had choked, so everything has been balanced out. I do love you Topsy, I love you so much little girl, and I do miss you, I miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX