William 6th July 2021

Good morning beautiful Toppy. Poor Percy was still in when I went down there to the kitchen just before midday yesterday, and he had eaten everything that I had given him. It was a much better day than than the day before little girl, it stayed dark, though there was no rain, and I did not have to have to turn on the new-fangled fan. I caught a beady-eyed odd pig-eon in the tree, gobbling down as much as it could, but it soon went when I shook the garden doors. I was so hungry when I got down there to the kitchen late yesterday afternoon, and got a tin of mushroom soup ready for the evening, but then out of the way I had to get. I had to get out of the way when I went back down there in the evening as well, then even quicker when I went back down there last night. It was a good job that Molly did not want to know me, as I do not think that I would have time to take her to my poor Mum. I gave Molly her flea treatment yesterday evening, and that was that, she has not spoke to me since… not even this morning when I got up early again, opened the curtains, and then the window. It was pouring down, so I got down there to the kitchen quickly to let poor Percy and George in… George even came in after a few minutes. I gave them both a good feed, followed by loads of ham, then got back up here before I was harpooned by an odd thingy. After I had made the tea, and took my poor Mum’s tea into one of the rooms for her, there was odd thingy waiting for me to get out of its wild-eyed, snorting, trumpeting way. I had not been sat down for long, when I heard doors being slammed as hard as possible, then I got a call from someone who had decided to come round to see my poor Mum. I could not believe it, as he is scared of cats, so I had to go back downstairs again, and big surprise, I was in odd thingies way again I had to put poor Percy out, and he did not want to go, but there was not much else that I could do, as I had to get out of the way again. Poor Percy, hopefully he can stay in tomorrow, as the day after, he will be shoved out before I have even got out of the big gates. Sorry little girl, all I have eaten in the past hour are two biscuits, and I have kept on choking… I cannot even drink my tea without choking. We do love you Toppy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX