William 3rd July 2021

Good morning beautiful TopTops. Yesterday was one of the worst days for a long time little girl, if I was not having to get out of odd thingies way, I was making calls to unhelpful, snotty-nosed, upside-down faced idiots who have been messing my poor Mum around since last Christmas. It took me three hours to get through to the vet so that I could make an appointment for Molly’s check-up next week… I have to be there half an hour before midday. At first, I was glad that I was not going there on a Tuesday, as that was the day that I took poor Charlie to have her horrible cowardly pain taken away, but I have to go next Friday, which is the day that I took you there to have your horrible cowardly pain taken away. That buck-toothed, cross-eyed lunatic of a mini swamp-witching thing was making as much noise as it possibly could all day, and I choked on some blue cheese and crisps late yesterday afternoon. After I had to get out of odd thingies snorting way again last night, I sat down here, only to be shaken by some idiot over the back there throwing around a load of planks of wood. That started the evil old swamp-witches dogs off, which started off that great big dog over the back there, and that started off that deranged mini swamp-witching thing again. It was screaming, shouting, squawking, and squealing for the dogs to shut up, and the noise was terrible. It got so bad, I had to shut the big window, and thankfully, I could not hear the racket anymore. I had a terrible night, was woken by Molly early this morning, and I felt absolutely terrible when I fell out of bed. I gave poor Percy and George a good feed, when George had finished, I let her out with a big lump of ham, left poor Percy in the kitchen with his usual saucer of goodness, and got back up here before I was flattened by a wild odd thingy. I had to get out of odd thingies way when I went back down to make the coffee, but I managed to get a nice long cuddle from Percy before I got back up here. Odd thingy is supposed to be going out an hour before midday, but it will probably wait until I go down there just before midday, then want dopey daft me to get out of the way again… I just hope today goes much better than it did yesterday. We do love you Toppy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX