William 29th May 2021

Good morning beautiful TopTops. I cannot remember much about yesterday little girl, apart from that it got very hot, but I cannot even open the windows, as there will be a great herd of blasted wasps queuing up to come buzzing in here with their big stingy arshes. Even though it was terribly hot, odd thingy went trundling off out wrapped in that great big coaty thingy… dopey me will just have a t-shirt on, and I will be terribly hot. At least this hot weather means that I will not be able to come staggering back from town with enough food to last a normal family for a month, but odd thingy would gobble down in just a few days… I just will not be able to do so without collapsing. I am wondering how long the great big load of shopping that is being delivered in three days time will last, I will guess about five days, and that is being kind, it will probably be about four days. George was waiting out by the garden doors last evening, though she was not wowing, and she comes in now without going back out at the last moment… I wonder what happened to her while she was gone those few days. When I opened the garden doors, she came barging in with poor Percy, though I had to put them back out, because as usual, odd thingy was waiting for me to out of the way. I threw out a big lump of ham for them though. When I had gotten out of the way yet again last night, I got into bed, with the new not so scary old fan turned up to two… if only it would stay cold around here all year long, that is not much to ask, I hate the blasted heat. Dopey odd humans walking around with their leathery odd skin burnt away, and saying how much they enjoy the hot weather, and other dopey odd humans assuming that everyone else enjoys the blasted heat as much as they do. I think I had a good night, and I gave Percy and George a good feed this morning, I also fed that little black cat, who has suddenly reappeared, some ham. When Percy and George had finished, I gave them both a load of ham, then got back up here out of the way before I was run down by an unregistered odd thingy. I had to get out of the way again when I went back down to make some coffee, and I will have to do the same again just before midday. I am already getting all hot and bothered little girl, and I cannot think of much else to tell you. We do love you TopTops, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX