William 30th April 2021

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I cannot remember much about the day before yesterday little girl… I can hardly remember much about yesterday, but I can remember that it was awful. I left here early enough, and it was a nice walk, even though I kept getting in the way of other muttering old humans. However, that was not as bad as having to stagger back here with my backypacky thingy stuffed full of blasted pork, and six very, very heavy shopping bags. Everything was so heavy, and I still felt unwell from the other day, so I thought that I would get a nasty old scary filthy bus back here… I must have felt bad to do that, as I have not got one of them for over a year. I was not allowed on one though, as I was not wearing a mask, so I had to stagger back here, and did not get back until it was well gone midday. The blasted pork has ruined my backypacky thingy, so I will have to throw that away. I have already ordered another one though, and that should be here today. I felt so ill last evening, and could not eat anything, and last night when I went down to see my poor Mum with Molly, I was terribly ill in the downstairs bathroom. I had a terrible headache again, and when I got back up here, I got into bed, but it did not help, and I laid there in the most terrible of pain… I did get to sleep, but woke up again still in pain. The headache did go away, and when I woke up this morning, it has gone, but it came back when I went down there to the kitchen to feed Percy and George. I forgot their ham yesterday, but I was going to go into town this morning, but I cannot do that the way I feel right now, I shall have to go in the morning. I gave Percy and George a good feed, let George out with a big lump of ham, gave some to poor Percy, then got up here out of the way. After I had made the coffee, got some biscuits, and then had got back up here out of the way, I felt a bit better, and after a few biscuits, and drinking my coffee, I feel even better, though I still feel very, very tired. We do love you TopTops, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX