William 23rd April 2021

Good morning beautiful TopTops. I can only remember a few things from the afternoon before yesterday little girl, and one of them was dopey daft me being very hungry a couple of hours after midday. I was going to go downstairs for a slice of quiche, but as I got up, I heard something come crashing through the big scary old door… so I had to wait until late afternoon for something to eat. By then I was so hungry, I choked on the piece of quiche that I ate. I was so angry, that I did not bother eating anything that evening, just in case I choked again, I just had a hot drink. I was surprised that I had a better night than I had the night before, but I was awake very early, and got up because I would not have got back to sleep again. The usual big woolly surprises awaited me in the kitchen, and when I had taken it all out there to the bins, I gave Percy and George a good feed, and Percy stayed in when I let George out. I left here to go into town just after I had made my poor Mum’s coffee, and poor Percy was probably shoved out of the garden doors before I had got through the big old gates. It was a beautiful morning, with little birds singing away, and blackbirds making the most beautiful sounds… though it was not long before I was in two ignorant odd humans waddling, muttering ways. To my surprise, it was nice and quiet in the big shoppy place, I only had to go in there. It was just as well I only had to go in there, as I had four great heavy bags of shopping, and my backypacky thingy was stuffed full as well. I have just realised that I forgot the blasted sausages again, but there are some in the fridge anyway, though the whole pack will probably be gobbled down later. It was a struggle getting back here, then I had to go back out again to the chemists, then put everything away quickly. Odd thingy was waiting for me to get out of its way so that it could go trundling out, then it did not leave for over two hours. I cannot remember much else about yesterday little girl, I can just about remember getting into bed last night. I had a good nights sleep for a change, and woke up this morning just five minutes early. I gave Percy and George a good feed, gave them a load of ham, but I had to put poor Percy out when I made the coffee. I am having a big tidy up in here today and tomorrow, and Molly will have to go down there in the kitchen while I am doing so… if not, she will be into everything. We do love you TopTops, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX