William 20th April 2021

Good mornings beautiful Toppy. I can hardly remember anything about yesterday little girl, just that some highly qualified idiot had decided to mess around with the quiches in the big shoppy place last week. I had wanted to get four cheesy and oniony quiches, but a pork one had been mixed in with them by some buck-toothed, spotty-faced, horn-rimmed glasses wearing, nylon y-front wearing idiot. Thankfully, the one that I had in the oven was cheese and onion, but now I am short of one dinner… still, I have had to go without before, and I will have to do so again. I had a potatoey waffley thing with my quiche last evening, and I was starving, I could have done with something else, but of course, I had to make do with that. I had an awful night little girl, and overslept this morning by aboot five minutes, I feel terrible right noo. I fed Percy and George, though George stood out there wailing until I had her food ready… she then wanted to go back out as soon as she had finished. I threw some ham out there for her, gave some to Percy, and got back up here before I was run down several times by snorting odd thingy. When I went back down to make some tea, I asked Percy if he wanted to go out, but he did not, though he has most probably been shoved out by now. Odd thingy would have been wanting to park itself on Charlie’s chair by the scary old washing machine, while my poor Mum cooks for it… poor Percy loves sleeping there curled up in a big ginger ball. I cannot think of anything else to tell you little girl, I will try to tap doon things today, but that is only if I rememberings, but me remembering things lately is not going very well. We do love you TopTops, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX