William 18th April 2021

Good morning beautiful Toppy. Poor Percy was bundled out of the kitchen yesterday morning more than two hours before midday, but unlike the day before, I cannot remember if I saw him out there in the gardens yesterday afternoonings. There is not much that I can remember from yesterday little girl, all I can remember I having a bowl of mushroom soup last evening, and Molly being sick just as I was aboot to get into bed last night. I cannot even remember getting into bed, and do not know yet if I had a good nights sleep or not, though I did oversleepings this morning by a good few minutes. Percy came running in as soon as I opened the gardening doors, but George was dithering about as usual, and only came galloping in when I showed her the plateful of food. After she had finished that, she wanted to go back out, so I let her out, and gave her a huge lumpings of ham. I left poor Percy in the kitchen with a saucerful of ham, and got back up here before I was flattened by an out of control, eighteen-wheeled odd thingy. When I went back doon to make the coffee, Percy wanted to go out, so I let him out, he would have only been shoved out when huge fried breakfasts were being cooked anyway. He cannot be in the way when lots of odd thingery chompings and champings have to be done. Of course, I had to get out of the way as well, and just about had enough time to grabbings some biscuits from the fridge before I had to get back up here out of somethings trundling, back-breaking, wall shoving into’s way. That evil old slappering swamp-witches dogs are barking and jumping at the big old fence, which has reminded me about something yesterday. There was a herd of yee-hawrin, lantern-jawed, buck-toothed odd things out there yesterday. Cackling, snorting, giggling, wailing, hyuk-yuk-yukking sounds could be heard for ages, though I cannot remember how long for… I certainly could not have the big window open then, as I certainly cannot now either. I can smell eggs sizzling away for odd thingy, and I would adore to have some scrambled, but I have to wait until this evening before I can eat. Thankfully, it will be trundling off to work tomorrow, so it should be peaceful until it gets back here. We love you Topsy, we do love you little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave leetle girl. XXXXX