William 4th April 2021

Good mornings beautiful Toppy. Yesterday was another nice day little girl, at least for a while anyway. Odd thingy had gone slithering out before I went down there to the kitchen just before midday, and aboot an hour after I had got back up here, I was sitting here listening to the beautiful birdsong out there in the gardens. It was so nice, but as with everything around here, the beautiful sound was soon interrupted by some big poisonous cakeholing. It was not just a normal big poisonous cakehole either, this one belonged to that deranged mini swamp-witching thing. I was hoping that they had got rid of it, left it out there in their rubbish, or sold it, but no, there it was, out there in the smelly old swamp with its squawking great big cakehole. I do not think that it took a breath for over half an hour, it just kept jabbering, squawking, screeching, wailing, snorting, and barking, but I was not going to shut the big window. I turned on the telly, turned the sound up, and started reading anything I could, just to take my mind of that blasted thing. I do not know when it finally stopped, but it was nice and quiet again when I went back down there to the kitchen late yesterday afternoon. I had to make do with another bowl of mushroom soup last evening, I would have loved a quiche, but there was no room in the fridge or freezer for anything for dopey daft me. Still, it was full three days ago, and knowing odd thingy as I so unluckily do, it should be half empty by tomorrow. That could mean two things though… dopey daft me can go and buy stuff for myself to put in there, or I shall have to come staggering back from town with yet more stuff for a certain non-stop gobbling machine to wallop down. I think that I can guess what it will be, so dopey daft me will have to go without as usual. I cannot remember getting into bed last night, but I think that I had a good night, though I was awake early again this morning. I gave Percy and George a good feed, with lots of ham, put George out with a big lump of ham, and gave poor Percy a saucer of ham with a packet of Molly’s posh food on top. I left Percy down there in the kitchen, but went back down a few times to see if he was okay, then he wanted to go out when I went to make the coffee. I came back up here for Molly, but odd thingy was already waiting for me to get out of the way, so I had to be quick. It was not going to stop me looking out into the gardens though, I had already seen the little squirrel last afternoon, and a beautiful little blue-tit earlier… and when I looked out there, I saw two beautiful jays. Of course, because I had to be quick, I took my poor Mum’s coffee into one of the rooms for her, then I had to get back up here. I have just opened the big window, and that evil old swamp-witch has let the yapping dog out, and now I can hear big, spoilt, I-wanting, hairy cakeholes over the back there… I can also hear big, fat, greedy, pig-eony flapping wings out there. I cannot go down there to the kitchen yet though, not unless I want to be flattened by an eighteen-axled articulated odd thingy that would just come smashing through one of the walls. The birdsong out there is wonderful little girl, surly something cannot come rattling along to spoil it… but it will. We love you so much Toppy, we do love you little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX