William 2nd April 2021

Good mornings beautiful Toppy. The day before yesterday was a lot more pleasant than the day before, not so much barking, no cackling, and it was much cooler. When I went out early yesterday, it was already warm, but I have just remembered seeing a girl with a big coat on, and she had the hoodie thingy pulled up as well, so perhaps it was me just feeling hot and bothered. I only had to go to the big shoppy place, which was just as well, as I had more heavy stuff. The heaviest was a great big lump of boily bacony stuff, which was heavier than the great big box of catfood that I was lucky enough to be able to get… last week, the shelves had been cleared of the one that I always buy. There is now over one hundred packets of catfood down there in the kitchen, which should last Percy and George until almost the end of the month, though I will try to buy another one next week, just to be safe. The big shoppy place told me that they were running short on the catfood that I buy, so I am going to try to get as much as I can… usually the shelves are full of the stuff. When I got back here, I had to put the shopping away, then get back up here out of the way until midday, and then, I had to get out of the way quickly again. Molly got the hump with me last night, as I had to give her some flea treatment, and she was not talking to me this morning when I got up. Poor Percy wanted to know me more when I opened the garden doors, and I gave him and George a good feed, with lots of ham. I let George out with more ham, and gave Percy a saucerful with the last packet of that posh ducky stuff on top. He wanted to go out when I went back down there to see if he was okay… when I went back down to make some coffee, Molly did not come with me, but wanted to know me when I got back up here. Of course, that was only because that she wanted some biscuits… after I had given them to her, she did not want to know me, this will probably last until the beginning of next week. She has been spending a lot of time laying on my legs lately, but I cannot see that happening again for a while. We do love you Toppy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX