William 31st March 2021

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I have just had to open the big window, as it is so hot, and that evil old trolloping swamp-witch let her yapping dogs out almost straight away. I asked the big old shoppy place to deliver a load of stuff yesterday, and everything came, including a big box of catfood, and a load of blasted sausages… though a huge packet was gobbled down yesterday, but I will not be bringing any back with me tomorrow. I have enough to get as it is, dopey daft me thought that spending more than £250 on shopping would mean that I would just be bringing catfood and a few things for myself tomorrow. However, it already looks as if I will be spending at least another £100, and will be staggering back here with more heavy bags of food for odd thingy to devour over the Easter Weekend. There is no room in the fridge or freezer for any food for dopey daft me, all I have is soup. It is far to hot for soup though, so I do not know what I am going to do… I suppose I will have to make do with some blue cheese with a few crisps, while odd thingy gets through most of everything else. I went to sleep much later than usual last night, with the new scary old fan on two all night, but I still woke up on time this morning… I fed Percy and George, gave George a load of ham, and more when she went out. I gave poor Percy a saucer of ham, with a packet of that posh ducky stuff on top, and left him down there in the kitchen for a while. He wanted to go out when I went back down to see how he was, and then I made the coffee. I could not stay down there long though. Odd thingy was waiting for me to,get out of the way, like last night, when I had to go so quickly, I forgot my medication. I will not be able to come on here to Charlie and you,tomorrow little girl, as I have to go into town for more blasted shopping… though I will be back on here the day after. We do love you Toppy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX