William 12th March 2021

Good mornings beautiful Topsy. I had to get out of odd thingies way so quickly the other night, I had forgotten to take my medication, that is why I felt so awful the other day little girl. I was hoping that I would get a good nights sleep that night, but I was awake even earlier yesterday morning. It was far to early to let Percy and George in, so I just took my pots down there to the kitchen, then got back up here before I was flattened. It was terribly windy, and I did not find out until I got into town that there had been a nasty old scary storm during the night… way back here at the back of the house, I had not heard a thing, even from that big old fireyplacey thingy over there. When I let Percy and George in, I gave them both three packets of food, then ham, then George wanted to go back out, and I did not want to stop her, she had already gone for me when I tried to get her to come in. It was terribly windy walking into town, and as usual, I had a big pile of shopping to get. It was terrible in the big shoppy place, and they only had one human on the odd tilly thingies. When I had eventually paid for everything, and was staggering back here with all the heavy shopping, and my backpack full, it started pouring down. It got heavier and heavier as I tried to walk up the road, and of course, I started getting in the way of odd humans with umbrellas. I had to go back out again for my medication when I got back here, as I did not fancy being blown into the nasty old scary roads with all that shopping, and when I got back here, to put the shopping away, odd thingy was waiting for me to get out of the way. The same thing happened just before midday, and then again when I went back down there almost two hours later… I was not pleased at all, but did not get angry. I had another quiche last evening, and I bought five of them, which was just as well, as I got the last two tins of mushroom soup in the big old shoppy place. I was hoping for a good nights sleep when I got into bed last night, but I still do not know yet if I had one… I was awake early again this morning, but it was well over an hour over the time that I got up yesterday. I went down there to the kitchen to feed Percy and George, but only Percy ran in. That little black cat was out there, and I called for George, but when she arrived, she would not come in… she just stood there wowing. She did come in when I had got the food ready though, and I put a saucer of food out for that tiny black cat, who hissed at me when I stroked it. George had some ham when she had finished, I let her out with some more, then I gave Percy some, and got back up here out of the way before I was flattened. Yesterday, Percy wanted to go out when I made my poor Mum her coffee, even though the nasty old scary wind was blowing around, but he did not want to go out when I went down there this morning. I had just enough time to make the coffee, and get some biscuits before I had to get out of the way… I hope today is better than it has been lately. We do love you TopTops, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX