William 27th January 2021

Good morning little girl. Yesterday and this morning has been terrible for me little girl, as somehow I cannot get to our money, and I am afraid that it has gone. No matter what I do, I cannot get to it, and I cannot call anyone, as the cally thingies are not working. I had to get out of odd thingies way so many times yesterday, that did not help, and she is always there listening when I want to talk to my poor Mum. No matter where I go in this house to talk to my poor Mum, there is odd thingy, hovering around like some kind of alien spy thingy… it is terribly frustrating, especially now when I am depressed, angry, and uptight. I had just enough time to let poor Percy out when I went down there to the kitchen just before midday yesterday, then out of the way I had to get. I was angry because I had to take about ten blasted tins out, and this morning, there was a pile more. Guzzling and gulping tins of cream down now seems to be the latest thing, and I only bought it for the cats, and so that my poor Mum and dopey daft me could enjoy a nice mug of coffee now and again… that was soon grabbed from us, like everything else I buy. One tin of cream would last about four days, now two tins are swilled down every day, I think if I went out and bought a big bucket of horse manure, it would somehow be tried. It is just what that evil old ogre would do if he saw me with anything new… "OHHHHH, I will have to try that," he would say, whilst licking his eyebrows, and that would be the last time that I would be allowed to have whatever it was that I had. I had a horrible night little girl, and was awake even earlier this morning than I was yesterday, but at least letting poor Percy and George in cheered me up, that was until I saw another big pile of blasted tins. Halfway through the last big packety thing of ham I am little girl, just enough for tomorrow morning, then I shall have to buy more… and I am bringing catfood back with me tomorrow, I do not care if there is no more tins of cream left. I will need some tins of soup as well, but I am bound to be expected to bring back wheelbarrows of blasted sausages, bacon, and pigging mushrooms, something else I bought myself that was just taken, cooked, and gobbled down. I do not think that they had been in the fridge a few hours, and then I smelt them cooking, I could not believe it. Seeing as I have to go into town tomorrow little girl, I will not be able to come on here to Charlie and you, but I will be back on here the day after. We do love you Toppy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much too you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX