William 19th January 2021

Good mornings beautiful Toppy. Yesterday was a lot better than the other days have been little girl, though I was still barged out of the way when Tiddles chickeny foody stuff was delivered… even though I had mentioned to my poor Mum that it was coming so that I could come down. It looked like a cross between Blunder Woman and Les Dawson, as it went snorting through the air with her odd arm stretched out to get to the big scary old door. The poor bloke was still banging away on the big scary old door when it was yanked open, that poor delivery bloke will be off work for the rest of the week due to the shock that he must have had. When I got back down there late yesterday afternoon, I had just enough time to get my soup ready, then get myself some blue cheese before I had to get back up here out of the way again. I cut more cheese than I needed, so I put the rest in the mushroom soup. I got Molly a saucer of her posh turkey stuff last night, then I made my soup, and then I had to get out of the way again… though I made sure that my soup was boiling hot this time. Molly did not touch her food straight away, but mine was soon gone, as I was starving. It was not so cold in here last night, I even had to have the new not so scary old fan on for a while, but that went off when I got into bed. I had a good sleep, and woke up at the time I should get up this morning, though I could have just gone back to sleep for a while. I thought that I saw Molly on the bed as I opened the curtains, but when I turned around, she had gone… then when I called her, she came wowing across from the fireplace as if she had not seen me. Just as I went to pull my trousers on, I stepped into another pile of Molly’s sick, she has absolutely ruined the carpet in here. When I got down there to the kitchen, I let Percy and George in, gave them a good feed, and then had to let George out, as she wanted to eat everything… I had to get out of the way, but I left poor Percy with a saucerful of ham. When I went back down to make some coffee, Percy wanted to go out, so I let him out, and gave him his ham, then George came slithering along, and gobbled the lot down. Then when I had made the coffee, I had to get out of the way again… big surprise there little girl. We do love you Topsy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX