William 1st December 2018

Our brave little friend. I was late getting down to the kitchen to feed the cats little girl, eight packets of whatever in gravy I opened, six on the big plate, and two on a saucer for the Burmese cat. I added a load of biscuits, and put the food down for them. I did not have time to read any news, I saw a squirrel out there at the big old tree, and then the big plate was being licked clean. The Burmese cat was not far behind, and then I had to put them back out... it had been raining, and was cold and damp out there, so the Burmese cat did not want to go out, but I had to put her out because she gets into everything. I filled the big bucket with seed, washed up, and got back up here out of the way because the ogress was waiting for me to get out of the way so that she could go out. There was a lot of little birds out there in the trees singing away this afternoon, and then a beautiful blackbird joined in, it was so nice to hear. Of course, some idiots had to ruin the beautiful peace and quiet later by letting off some fireworks, and just now a herd of big cakeholed odd humans came galloping along shouting and bellowing as loud as they possibly could. I am very tired again, and I hope that I get a better night that I did last night... it was so hot last night that I had to have the new not so scary old fan turned on, and it looks like I will have to tonight as well. We do love you Toppy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX