William 15th December 2020

Good morning beautiful TopTops. The day before yesterday was yet another rotten, gobbling, snorting day little girl. I though that by buying three boxes of baby mushrooms, it would allow dopey daft me enough so that I could have a mushroom an onion sandwich… in any other house it would work, but not this one. Two boxes of mushrooms were opened, cooked, and slapped down with eggs, bacons, blasted sausages, and half a loaf of bread. The other box of mushrooms will be slapped and chomped down with a chicken stir-fry, so that is dopey daft me having to go without yet again thanks to a selfish gobbling ogress. I was angry all day little girl, and I choked on my two cheese rolls that evening… I had not had a huge breakfast that would stomach a wrestler, let alone a gigantic roast dinner, and who knows what in between. I was still angry when I got into bed, so I had another awful night. I was awake very early yesterday morning, and did not feed Percy and George for over an hour. When I did, I made sure that they had a good feed… it is a wonder that the ogress has not eaten their food, even the old ogre ate something that I had bought for Charlie once, though it was that turkey ham stuff. When George had finished, I let her out, Percy got onto Charlie’s chair, and I got out of the way before I was flattened. I left here yesterday morning much earlier than I usually do, I left here before I usually make the tea, but somehow, I was still in the ogresses way. Poor Percy ran back in when I opened the big scary old door, and after I had given him something else to eat, I went to tell my poor Mum that he was in the kitchen, and there was the ogress snorting around in circles… that is what it looked like to me anyway. I was glad to get out of here, and headed for that nasty old scary road to try and get across it. There were herds of rotten odd nasty old scary cars and trucky things, and I had to walk for ages to cross at some lights… of course, then there was nothing in sight. When I had got across the nasty old scary road, I had to get out of a few ignorant odd charging humans way, when suddenly, this great big huge bumpered old trout changed direction, and came straight at me. Had I not gotten out of the ignorant old tarts way, I would have gone crashing through someone’s window. Having me come crashing through someone’s window while they are sat there eating their boiled egg and toast would not be a good thing, especially at that time of the morning. I made sure that the barging old bag knew what I said as I skidded out of her charging way… it was worse than being barged by the ogress, and that is saying something. A herd of odd humans had been digging yet again, and had left a terrible mess for miles, but when I had finally got past it all, the rest of my nice long walk was much more pleasant… beautiful parks, beautiful little birds singing away, and it was nice and cold too. I had to go miles and miles to the top of this blasted odd hill, so I could go into a yorkshirish shop to buy blasted pork bellies… as if there was not enough food in the freezer. They did not have any though, but I could not come back here without them, as the ogress was already looking forward to slapping them down. The only other place that I could go to was right at the bottom of the hill, I could have gone there in the first place, but I had been ordered to go to the yorkshirish place instead, and they had the last four great big boxes that I was supposed to get… they will be all slapped down today. I had a few other places to go, and then headed back here… even though I had had to go to the top of that odd hill, the walk up there had done me good, and now the long walk back home will do me even gooder. I had to go and ask for my medication when I got near here, and then it started raining… it had got even heavier when I came out of the chemist, then the Heavens opened, and I got thoroughly soaked. As I was nearing home, I saw the big shoppy places delivery bloke staggering along with all the shopping that I had ordered. They had not delivered everything that I had asked for, there was no biscuits for Tiddles, no jammy creamy biscuits for me, and no blasted sausages, I will have to get those blasted things the day after tomorrow. Even though they had not been delivered, the bill was still over £300. I still have to go out once more this week, and two or three times next week… and almost everything will be gobbled down by one thing, and that greedy chomping thing is determined to make up for last year. How she could have asked if WE were still having a Christmas dinner when our poor Mum was in hospital, I will never know… what she meant to say was would SHE still be having a Christmas dinner, as she knows my little sister and I would not be eating anything. We would not be eating anything because we were so worried about our poor Mum, who was ill mainly because of the ogresses constant arguing, shouting, and slamming of doors… the ogress only cares about one thing, itself. Anyway, I was soaked, and all I wanted to do was get a towel to dry my chops and heed with, but the blasted ogress was snoring up and down the hallway like a deranged moose, and I had to get up here out of its blasted way. Luckily, I keep a roll of strong kitcheny towely stuff up here to clear up after Molly, and I dried myself with that… when she finally went snorting off to work, I went downstairs. I had hoped, by some miracle, that she would have put some of the shopping away, but of course, she had not, she had just grabbed it all from the poor frightened delivery bloke, who was so frightened, he had left a pile of someone else's shopping. When she had gone, he came bang-bang-banging at the big scary old door to take it back, then it took me over an hour to put everything away. The fridge is jam-packed, the freezer is jam-packed, and so are the cupboards… I made sure that my poor Mum had plenty of scotch broth, and I got my dopey daft self plenty of mushroom soup too, though I will probably choke on that when I have some. I made sure that there are plenty of tins of cream as well, but by doing that, the ogress will only get more of it down her neck. I only used to get it for the cats, and for the few mugs of coffee my poor Mum and dopey daft me have a week… I once came staggering back from town with twenty tins, as it seemed to be going so quickly. I ordered about thirty yesterday, but they will probably be gone before the month is out. I choked on a cheese roll again last evening, so that is a week where I have had nothing but biscuits… I think I will try a tin a spaghetti tonight, though the last time I tried that, the ogress had walloped down three of the four tins that I had bought for myself. Who knows little girl, she has probably walloped down those tins as well, and I will be even angrier this evening when I go down there to the kitchen and find out. For some strange reason, I had a good nights sleep, and was only woken by Molly being sick, and I overslept this morning by fifteen minutes. I fed poor Percy, George, and that tiny black kitten, who still refuses to come in, and let Percy stay in until I went back down to make some tea. I then had to let him out, make the tea, and then get out of the ogresses way… she was thundering down the hallway just as I had got sat down here. We do love you Topsy, we love you so much little girl, and we do love you, we love you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX