William 30th November 2018

Good morning Toppy. I felt so depressed last night that it took me a while to fall asleep, but I think that I only woke up once during the night, and when I woke up this morning, I had overslept by fifty minutes. I forgot to look out there into the garden when I got down to the kitchen, and I forgot again when I went back down to make some coffee. There was a fat greedy pigging pig-eon out there at the big bucket of seed, and it flew away before I could get the garden doors open... I was so angry that I forgot to look for the cats. The ogress is going out today again, so she will be probably waiting for me to go down to the kitchen just before midday before she announces that she wants me out of her way before she goes trundling off out. Molly has been playing, and the little birds have been singing out there in the gardens a lot this morning, that has made me feel a little better, but I just cannot cheer up. Molly is just going into her catcave, so she will not be coming out of there for another seven or eight hours. Maybe I will have cheered up by this evening little girl, but I doubt it. We do love you Toppy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX