William 28th November 2018

Good morning Toppy. I had another good night sleep little girl, and when I woke up this morning, I had only overslept by just half an hour... I should be awake at the usual time in the morning. I forgot to look out there into the garden when I got down to the kitchen this morning, and when I went back down to make some coffee, a big fat selfish greedy pig-eon that was greedily shovelling down seed made me for get to look out there. I have to feed those poor cats today, they are going to be starving, but the ogress will keep me waiting for as long as she possibly can, and then my little sister will be wanting to get into the kitchen... something she will have had all morning to do, but waits until dopey daft me comes down. I will be given just enough time to take the bottles and the cardboard out to the bins, and then the mumblings will start. If the cats are out there though, they will be getting a good feed... I have not been tapping down much the past few days because I have been depressed, and cannot think of things to tell Charlie and you, but this evening might be better. We do love you Toppy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX