William 23rd October 2020

Good morning beautiful Topsy. Yesterday was terrible little girl, something happened yesterday that has made me angry, and I cannot stop being more angrier at the odd ogress than I usually am… she has done something, but I just cannot remember what it is that she has done. I have gotten used to her, as I had to with the evil old ogre for causing trouble, but something has happened that I getting me angry, yet I cannot remember why. It was probably because I had to bring back a load of shopping yesterday, but I cannot be sure… my backpack was stuffed full, and I had five heavy carrierbags to stagger back here with, and as usual, there was no room for me to get myself anything, apart from some rolls, and they got squashed. It took so long for me to stagger back here with all the blasted shopping that it was almost midday when I got back, and I was not going to get out of her way then. Even though I had almost £200 of shopping delivered last week, and even though I had to get more shopping two days later, then a load more when I went three town away at the beginning of this week… I still had to get more yesterday, including more blasted sausages and blasted bacon for her to stuff her chops with. I think that must be what is making me angrier, having to bring back bagfuls of stuff for her to shovel down. Of course, there is no room to bring myself back anything… four weeks I have gone into town to bring back some Vimto, and four weeks I have had to buy so much stuff for her, that I have not had room for anything for myself. I fell so angry and depressed little,girl, it feels even worse than when the old ogre was here. She is down there in the hallway, and is yanking the lights on and off in the downstairs bathroom and the kitchen, even though it is bright enough not to have any lights on… she is doing it because she knows that it annoys me, and that is making me even angrier with her than I already am. I am getting confused and angrier little girl, and I feel depressed… it might be because I am so tired. We love you so much Topsy, we do love you little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX