William 16th November 2018

Good morning Toppy. I can just about remember laying my head on the pillows last night, what with those pain relief tablets I have to take, I am surprised that I managed to remember that. I think that I woke up a couple of times, and Molly tried to wake me by wowing at me and nibbling my fingers, but I was so tired that my eyes refused to open. I ended up oversleeping my just over forty-five minutes. Still, that was not as bad as the other morning, I seem to be making up for all the hours that I lost sleeping when it was about 30 degrees at night... even with the new not so scary old fan turned on full right next to the bed, and me sleeping on the bed instead of in it, I still had horrible nights. I forgot to lookout for any cat when I got down to the kitchen, and I forgot when I went back down to make some tea and coffee. I have gone back to drinking tea because I do not have to put sugar in like I do coffee, coffee tastes terrible without sugar... and talking of drinking, Molly likes Horlicks. I do not mean that she like drinking a bowl of it on an evening, I mean that she likes the powder. Some was spilt, and she rushed over to get it, and now she asks for it every evening, and will sit there looking at you until she gets it. I am still tired now little girl, it is not even eleven yet, and I am yawning like an old hippopotamus. I have just heard another light being yanked on as hard as possible in the kitchen... it must be the ogress, she is light potty, and would have every light on in the house turned on if she could, and there goes another one. I do not think that I am going to be allowed down tot he kitchen to feed the cats when I want to today. She is in one of her moods, I did not even have the time to get out of her way this morning before she came waddling down the hallway, but I did manage to get out of her way without being flattened. I am going to have to suffer for that though. We do love you Toppy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX