William 6th November 2018

Our brave little friend. I think that I must have had yet another awful night little girl, I kept waking up, and I was awake very early again. I was a bit late leaving her because I kept forgetting things, I have been forgetting things all day, and it has made me very angry. It was a nice cool walk into town, but as usual, when I got to the shop where I buy the rolls and eggs, I got in the way of about 400 muttering people. It was worse when I got into the big shoppy place, I got in the way of so many people that I almost lost it. Having to carry so much stuff back made me even angrier... twelve tins of cream, and a load of soap for the ogress was the heaviest, and there was a pile of other stuff too. When I got home I was so knackered that all I wanted to do was get my boots off, and change back into the clothes that I wear around the house. I was far to tired to feed the cats, and was not going to go back down to the kitchen for at least five hours... and then, about an hour after I got up here, my poor Mum called me. When I opened the garden doors, she told me that Jack was waiting at his usual little waiting place, and I went down to give him something to eat. Of course, he was barged out of the way by George, Percy, and jenny when I opened the garden doors. I went out there into the garden, asked him where he had been, picked him up, and brought him in. He was so thin, his coat was matted, and he was so dirty... I felt like giving him a bath, but I dare not do that. The Burmese cat arrived not long after, so I opened five packets of whatever in gravy onto the big plate with some food that Molly had left yesterday, added a load of biscuits, and put it down for them. Jack ran over to the big plate, but I picked him up and took him over to the other side of the kitchen where my poor Mum was sitting down on Charlie's chair by the scary old washing machine. I gave him a saucer of food, and while they were all eating, I went out there to the bins with more stuff, and checked on the big bucket... those greedy odd pig-eons had shovelled down most of them. When I got back into the kitchen, the big plate had been licked clean, and my Mum had given Jack another packet of whatever in gravy... the others went out, and when Jack had finished his food, he had a nice bowl of cream. When he had finished, he wanted to go straight back out, and I got back up here out of the way, someone was bound to want to come crashing into the kitchen. I was hoping that there would be no nasty old scary fireworks tonight, but they have been going off since this afternoon, and someone had another nasty old bonfire... the smell was terrible, but it has gone now. I am so tired that I might oversleep by about half an hour, I have not had a good sleep since Sunday. We do love you Toppy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX