William 23rd October 2018

Good morning Toppy. I had a horrible night little girl, it felt as if I was sleeping,but I did not get any sleep at all... I am so tired right now, I feel like getting onto the bed and going back to sleep, but of course I cannot do that. It was to dark for me to look out there into the garden when I got down to the kitchen, but I did hear Jenny crying, but I could not feed her because they all would have ran in, and then been hungry again at midday. I did have a look out there in the garden when I went back down to make some coffee, but I cannot remember if I saw any cats... I was looking out for greedy fat pig-eons who have emptied the big bucket yet again. I am getting really fed up with them again, they have all the berries in the trees to gobble down, and they have all those other gardens to go to, yet they come here into out gardens to thieve off the little birds and squirrels. I am hoping that I can get down to the kitchen and have enough time to feed the cats and fill the big bucket today, I seem to have been getting in the way since Saturday, and have not spent more than three hours down there since then... it is getting like it was when the old ogre was always barging me out of the way and muttering. We do love you Toppy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX