William 5th August 2020

Good morning beautiful Topsy. Just after I was on here to you yesterday, that rotten odd headache came back again, thought it was not as bad as the day before, it still did my heed in little girl. I took some more pain relief tablets, and it went away… thankfully, it was quiet over there at the stinking odd swamp, well until the late afternoon anyway. That is when the swamp things came waddling out and started with their usual grunting, snorting, wailing, screaming, squawking, and screeching. As I had that rotten headache, I cannot remember much about yesterday little girl, it is all a blank, apart from getting into bed last night very knackered. I think I had a good sleep, but I still did not want to get out of bed when I woke up this morning, and I laid there for a while before I got up… I could have stayed there for ages, but Percy and George needed to be fed. Molly came to greet me as I got out of bed, and as I got dressed, I could hear George wailing out there. When I got down there to the kitchen and opened the garden doors, George came barging in first, and then poor Percy followed… he headbutted me so hard that I fell forward and almost trod on his paws. I gave then both two packets of food with a load of biscuits, and they both finished together, which was strange, as George sometimes finishes before I have even put the plates on the floor. I did not give them any ham until I had let them out, and then George probably gobbled it all down. I will not be able to come on here to Charlie and you tomorrow little girl, as I have to go into town to get more blasted pork chops, bacon, and blasted sausages… I think that even if I came back here with ten packs of the biggest blasted sausages, still more would be wanted a couple of days later, those two are sausage potty. Of course, there will be lots more to get, and I will be staggering back with about six very heavy bags, thankfully, I have managed to get a lot of catfood back here, so I will not have to get that. My fingers were all twisted and swollen when I got back here last week, and they were numb for about four days after… but that does not matter, as long as those two can have their six meals a day, or however many times that it is that they eat now. I would like to have egg rolls again, but that will not be allowed to happen, as I would be moaned at for going down there to shell them, I would be in someone's muttering way little girl. We do love you Topsy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX