William 10th July 2020

Good morning beautiful Topsy. George was crying out there in the garden when I was down there in the kitchen the evening before last little girl, and she has not done that for a long time. I had to give her something to eat, so I opened the garden doors to give her some biscuits, and Percy came galloping in with George right behind him. I could not feed them in the kitchen, I was in someone's way who wanted to come trundling down the hallway, so I shook a load of biscuits out there for them. They both flew out of the kitchen for the biscuits, I got back inside, then got back up here out of the way with Molly's food and my rolls. I was hoping for a good nights sleep when I got into bed, but of course, that did not happen, I kept waking up, and was awake far too early to get up. I went back to sleep, but was soon awakened again by some great big cakeholed odd bloke over the back there… what he was doing bellowing away at that time I do not know, it was just getting light. I could not get back to sleep after that, even with those waxy earoley things in my ears, so I got up, and sat downstairs until it was time to feed Percy and George. Of course, a load of stuff had been left there for dopey daft odd me to take out there to the bins, but when I opened the garden doors, there was no sign of Percy or George anywhere. While I was taking the stuff out there to the bins, they both came running up, but I could not feed them straight away, as there was so much stuff to go out there. When I had eventually taken everything out, I gave Percy and George a good feed, and waited for them to finish. When they had, I let them back out, washed up, and got back up here out of the way. I left here earlier than I normally do, as I had to walk to the next town to get my odd hair shaved, and thankfully, I was able to… I had not seen so much hair come off my head before, there was tons of the blasted stuff. When I had finished there, I had to walk back into town, where I had to buy more blasted sausages, chops, chicken, bacon, and two Sunday dinners. I bought sixteen chops last week, and they were all gone in four days, the ones that I bought yesterday were supposed to go in the freezer, but were walloped down. All I could get myself were some rolls and some cheese, I could not get any catfood, as I would not have been able to carry it, but I will get it next week. It was bad enough staggering back here with everything, I hate to think what it would have been like had I got the catfood, but I am not going to let it happen again. I have ordered a load of stuff to be delivered early next week, with loads of blasted sausages, loads of blasted chops, two more Sunday dinners, and loads of other stuff as well… maybe even some of it will make it to the freeze, that is if the ogress does not see it first. That evil old trolloping mothering swamp-witch has got some more dogs, and they are barking and jumping at the big old fence more and more each day… it is driving me up the wall. I was going to go out for long walks when I had finally got my heed shaved, but I have done something to my knee, and it hurts terribly when I am walking, I do not know how I managed to do all the steps that I did yesterday. At least I had a good sleep last night little girl, I only woke once, and that was early this morning… it was the same time that I woke yesterday, and I managed to get back off to sleep. When I woke again, I had overslept by ten minutes, but even then, I did not want to get out of bed. I laid there for a few more minutes, then got up, was greeted by Molly, and I staggered down there to the kitchen to feed Percy and George. When I opened the garden doors, George came bounding in, but there was no sign of Percy, but he soon came galloping along when I made some noise with some bottles out there. I gave them both a good feed, and poor Percy was so hungry, he finished before George… when she had finished, I let them both out, and got back up here before I was flattened by an out of control ogress. Molly wanted a fuss made of her, and when I had done that, it was time to make some tea. Of course, I had to get out of the ogresses snorting way, and when I got back up here, that evil old trolloping swamp-witch let her dogs out to bark, howl, and jump at the fence… it had hardly stopped all morning. We do love you Topsy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX