William 3rd July 2020

Good morning beautiful Topsy. The beautiful peace was shattered the day before yesterday little girl, as those swamp things and that squawking mini swamp-witching thing came out there into the smelly old swamping swamp with their great big cakehole's. I could not help but shout out in utter dismay, but the noise did not last for long, as it suddenly started raining… it rained heavily, and it rained for the rest of the day too. It was such a joy for the terrible noise to stop so quickly, I cannot even remember if they were screaming as the rain touched the smelly, scaly skin. It stayed quiet until it had just gone three hours to midnight, and then someone over the back there at that house that is never finished started hammering away… I could not believe it, I could still hear them after I had put those waxy earoley thingies in my ears. I cannot remember what time I got into bed, and Molly woke me early wowing in me ear. When I had got dressed and staggered down there to the kitchen, I saw that the ogress has left a big pile of stuff down there by the garden doors for me to take out. She had gone out there into the garden the day before, but had not bothered to take anything out there with her, she had just moved it out of the way, and put it back when she came trundling back. When I had finally finished taking everything out, I fed Percy and George. I had to buy more blasted meat when I went into town, but thankfully, I only had to go into the big shoppy place. It was still a struggle getting back here with everything though, as I was determined to get the four bottles of Vimto and the big box of cat food that I went into town for the other day. The eight chops that I bought were supposed to go into the freezery thing, as they were the other day, but of course, like the other day, they were walloped down… sixteen chops in four days, just gone. If the ogress thinks that I am going into town to get more on Monday, she has got another thing coming… my poor Mum told me that she has not been into town since the beginning of last month, and is just leaving it to dopey daft me to carry everything back. She has a great big shopping trollying thing to take with her, and that is what she can do if she wants more meat to wallop down. I was so tired yesterday, and was glad to get into bed last night. I got a big surprise when I woke up this morning and looked at the time, as I had overslept by well over an hour… I only woke once during the night, but it was too early to get up, so I went back to sleep. I managed to feed Percy and George, and made some tea quickly, but I need not have bothered going so quickly, as I did not have to get out of the ogresses snorting way, which was a great surprise. I remembered to fill the bucket with seed yesterday, and hang some candley and coconutty birdfood thingies. A beautiful jay arrived about an hour later, and this morning I saw the little squirrel out there, which made me feel good… I have not seen anything like that out there for a while, as I kept forgetting to fill the bucket. Iit is not surprising, seeing as what those swamp things have been putting us through. We do love you Topsy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX