William 20th June 2020

Good morning beautiful Topsy. It came over all cloudy and was very dark yesterday little girl, but there was not any rain… at least it was quiet, until just before evening anyway. That is when a pair of mini swamp-witching things appeared, and were squawking, screeching, and screaming for hours. I have just remembered making some coffee just before midday yesterday, and I was hoping that I would be able to do a few things, as the ogress was supposed to have gone trundling off out. Of course, she had not gone out, and when I took my poor Mum's coffee into one of the rooms for her, there was the ogress splothered over one of the settees with her arms folded and her teeth sticking out. She looked like one of those poor polar-bear skins that some nasty odd wicked humans has slung down by their fireplaces… she had waited for me to come down, then get out of her way before she went trundling off out, I was down there just long enough to make the coffee, then get out of the way. Some idiot over the back there has just started laughing, but it laughs strangely, it shouts its stupid laugh, I have never heard anything laugh like that weird thing laughs… we seem to be surrounded with lunatics at the moment. I had a good sleep last night little girl, but I was still so tired that I did not want to get out of bed this morning when I woke up, and I had overslept by fifteen minutes. Poor Percy and George were waiting for their food though, so I got up, and staggered down there to the kitchen. They both came running in together when I opened the garden doors, and I gave them both a good feed, with George having more food than Percy. Molly had left a load of biscuits on her saucer yesterday evening, so I left them for this morning, Percy has been leaving his food the last couple of days, so I did not give him any biscuits. George was first to finish, and then made her way over to poor Percy's plate, I tried to put her out, but she ran back to her plate. When I had finally got her out, Percy finished, and I put him onto Charlie's chair by the scary old washing machine… he has wanted to get the past two mornings, but I had to put him out because there would have been a lot of moaning and groaning. My poor Mum had told me yesterday to let poor Percy stay in, and balls to the moaning, but of course, this morning Percy did not want to stay in, and he ran over to the garden doors. I let him out, washed up, and got back up here out of the way; maybe he will stay in tomorrow morning. There is a lot of jabbering up the side there, which is annoying, but at least that idiot with the laugh has finally stopped. We love you so much Topsy, we do love you little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you do much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX