William 26th February 2020

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I am sorry about not coming on here yesterday little girl, but I was so depressed on Monday, I got drunk… and I did suffer for my selfish stupidness. I was at the vets early enough with Tiddles, I was hoping that I would be seen early, so I could get into town before it started to rain, but of course, things had to go wrong. Two nurses did not turn up, and that nice lady vet who treated Charlie and you was all on her own. I did not get seen until about half an hour after I was supposed to be seen, and the nice lady vet was so angry because Tiddles had not been given any pain relief for her operation… of course, that was another £35, and I have to take her back again in four weeks time. Dopey daft me thought that the pain relief would have been included in the £328 price of the operation, but I was wrong… I wonder when I can start saving up for my glasses again. When I got back here with Tiddles, I left straight away, hoping that I would be quick enough to miss the rain, but of course, other things had to go wrong. I had to go to two shops, and when I went to be served at the big shoppy place, it was almost as bad as it was in that other town last week. Everywhere was packed, and there was someone that had two shopping trolleys filled right to the top, in fact some of it was falling off. When I was eventually served, and I had packed everything away, I left the big shoppy place… and it was absolutely pouring down, I could not believe it. By the time that I got back here, I was soaked to the bone, and it had taken me longer to get back because the nasty old scary wind had been blowing me back… it must have taken me an extra ten minutes to get home, it was awful. Poor Percy came to meet me, and I gave him some food. Of course, he could not stay in, and I had to let him out before my little sister saw him… and when I had got changed into some dry clothes, I poured myself a glass of whiskey. Dopey daft me had forgotten that I do not like whiskey very much, but by the time that I realised, it was too late. I suffered for most of yesterday, but by late afternoon, I had started to feel better, and that was when the ogress decided to have one of her turns. She slammed a door as hard as she possibly could, screeched something, came clumpity barging up the stairs, and slammed her odd bedroom door as loudly as she could… knowing full well that it upsets my poor Mum, and hurts my head. I went downstairs to see what the matter was, my poor Mum looked scared, and my little sister had a face like thunder, I am getting as sick of the ogress as I was of the old ogre, and she is getting as selfish as he was. I have to go out in the morning little girl, so I will not be able to come on here to Charlie and you, but I will be back on here the day after… unless the ogress upsets my poor Mum again, and then I will be in prison. We do love you Topsy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX