William 17th February 2020

Good morning brave Topsy. The nasty old scary wind was not as bad yesterday as it had been, but I still would have liked to have poor Percy in the kitchen. I was so tired last night that I got into bed early, hoping that I would oversleep about an hour, but I did not. I woke up during the night, and was awake for ages, and when I woke up this morning, I had only overslept by twenty minutes… I got out of bed, got dressed, and went downstairs to the kitchen. I felt so bad that I did not feed Percy and George, but I will feed then when the ogress goes trundling off out about half an hour before midday. Of course, she probably knows all this, and will not leave until midday, if at all… she has been in one of her 'shall I or shall I not' moods for four days now. It had been nice and calm out there in the gardens this morning, but I have just looked out of the big window, and a couple of poor trees are being blown around again. I only remembered this morning that some big lump coughed and spluttered in front of me while I was in the big shoppy place the other day, which is probably why I feel so yucky today… why are there so many ignorant people around, the old ogre was always doing that to my poor Mum and me. All I had to eat yesterday was a bowl of noodles, and even though I feel hungry today, I do not want anything. I feel so rotten that I cannot think of anything else to tell you little girl, but I will be back tomorrow. We do love you Topsy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX