William 8th February 2020

Good morning Topsy. My poor Mum came home almost two weeks ago, but I have been ill because some old crow coughed and spluttered behind me on a nasty old scary dirty bus, then I got soaked in a huge rainstorm… everything ached for days, and I still have pains. I have not been exercising much, but I am going to have a good long walk that day after tomorrow, I will be leaving here early, will be back late, but I should still come on here. Molly is meowing and crying at me, I do not know what she wants, so I have just picked her up for a cuddle. She nipped my thumb, and backpeddled me under my chin, so it was not a cuddle she wanted, and she did not want me to play with her either… she has biscuits on her saucer, and has just gone over there for a few. She might want to go downstairs, but that cannot happen, even poor Percy cannot stay in anymore, as my little sister moaned and moaned about him being in so much. Now he has to go out as soon as he has finished his food, yet before he was coming in about six, and not going out until two hours after midday. I have just realised what Molly wants, she wanted me to open her catcave for her… she is now snuggled down st the back, and will probably be in there until I go back down to the kitchen this evening. We do love you Topsy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX