William 6th November 2019

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I am so sorry that I forgot to come on here to little you yesterday, I had everything ready, and was just about to tap everything out to you, when I had to write some cheques out for my poor Mum and my little sister, and then I had to phone someone, and I completely forgot about writing to you. I was very tired the night before last, and I had overslept by forty minutes, but I did remember to feed the cats. Poor Percy, Jenny, and George were starving… I was surprised at George, as someone up the side there feeds her, yet she was as hungry as Percy and Jenny were. There was some pork left over from Sunday dinner, there was a lot of it, I do not think that anyone ate much, so I put that out there for the cats as well. George had gone running off down the garden, but Percy and Jenny pounced on it, it was almost gone when I looked out there again. I was very tired when I got into bed last night, even with those dopey fireyworky things whizzing and banging out there, I must have fell asleep as soon as my heed hit the pillows. I only woke up a couple of times during the night, and when I woke this morning, I just wanted to go back to sleep for a while, but I looked at the time… and it was a good job that I did, as I had overslept by well over an hour. I flew downstairs to the kitchen, and I was in such a hurt, I forgot to look out there into the garden. I did have a look out there when I went back down to make some coffee, and poor Percy was curled up at Jack's little waiting place… it must have been terrifying out there for them with all those stupid fireyworky things going off. I read a story the other day about a lady whose 10 week old puppy had a heart attack because of idiots letting fireyworky things off right near her house. If that had been me, I would have gone out there and slaughtered whoever it was who had done it, I would not have cared if they had been stupid kids. That is why we have to keep the letter boxes locked, that lunatic from the swamp shoved fireworks through the door when it was a kid, and it was not even November, it was not even October. It is a good thing, it keeps those people who shove rubbish through the door away as well… one evening I heard someone trying to shove something through a letterbox, and I yanked the big scary old door open, expecting that lunatic from the swamp to be there, and said "what the @&£$*@* hell are you doing," It was some bloke trying to shove a bit of paper through, and he had the cheek to ask me why the letterbox was locked… I told him why, and now they come around while the letterbox is unlocked for the post, and it still makes me angry. We do love you Topsy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX