William 18th October 2019

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I could only stay down there in the kitchen a few minutes when I went back down there just before midday yesterday little girl, it was pouring down, and I just had enough time to look out there into the garden, but I cannot remember if I saw any cats. I went back down there earlier than usual to cut some salad for my egg rolls, there was yet more cardboard and tins to go out there to the bins, and when I opened the garden doors, poor Percy came running up. I let him in to see my poor Mum, and he got so exited when he saw her, he went all dopey and daft… I gave him some sliced chicken out of the fridge, and he went even pottier than he already had gone. I have never seen him go like he did yesterday for sliced chicken, he loved it, and when I stopped giving him some while I was talking to my poor Mum, he gently batted my hand, as if to tell me to hurry up and give him some more. There was about twelve slices there, and Percy ate ten of them, so I saved two for Jenny, but she did not come running up, so I hope that I can give them to her today. The ogress is supposed to be going trundling off out soon, but I do not know if she is going before I go down there to the kitchen just before midday, or wait for me to go down, and then demand that I am out of her way before she goes trundling off out. Molly has just come ploughing across the bed, stepped onto my lap, and gave me one of her looks… a look that I am supposed to understand meant, 'give me some biscuits.' As soon as I poured them onto her saucer, she ate some, and is now sitting down over there by the door. I have to go into town early on Monday little girl, so I will not be able to come on here to Charlie and you, but I will be back the next day. We do love you Topsy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX