William 8th October 2019

Good morning brave Topsy. I was awake very early yesterday morning little girl, no matter how hard I tried, I could not get back to sleep, so I got out of bed, got dressed, and staggered off downstairs. It was far to dark for me to look out there into the garden, so I just made my dopey daft self a mug of coffee, and got back up here to Molly. I was reading the news, and before I knew it, it was time for me to go back down to make my poor Mum a drink, and seeing as I had Molly with me, I could not feed the cats. When I left here to go into town, and as I was closing the big scary old door, poor Percy came running up to me, meowing and crying loudly… I asked him to wait until I got back, but he followed me to the big old gates, so I had to come back, as I did not want him following me. He shot in when the big scary old door was opened, and flew into the kitchen, I opened two packets of food onto a saucer, and put the food down there by the garden doors. I could not put on any biscuits on there for him, as there were none left… I went and told my poor Mum that Percy was in the kitchen, and when she went down there to see him, the saucer was clean, so she gave him another packet. It started raining as I got down the end of the lane, and got heavier as I got into town, and then I started getting in everyone's muttering way… I get out of one old goats way, and then I was in some old crows way, and it was really getting to me. Of course, the first shop that I went into did not have all the stuff that I needed, I had to get some certain chips, but there were none… though had I had wanted french fries with jackets on, there was loads of them. There was something that I could not get in the big shoppy place too, but I managed to get that when I went to the next town later on. I did remember to buy some cream, twenty tins of it, and my arms still ache from carrying it home with all the other shopping. When I got back here, the ogress was preparing for take off, so I had to wait for her to go trundling off before I could go out again. As I was leaving, I saw poor Jenny over there by the lane. I called her, she looked around, and came galloping over to me… when I call Molly, she just raises one eye, looks at me, and settles back down to sleep, that, or just her ears will twitch. I opened two packets of food onto a saucer, and added some biscuits, I had remembered them as well. I put the saucer of food down there by the garden doors for Jenny, went and told my poor Mum, and then I left. I was back here about an hour after midday, I was hoping to get caught in some rain, as carrying all that shopping back had made me all hot and sweaty, but of course, it did not rain. It did not start raining until the evening, and it was raining very hard, I hope that poor Percy and Jenny managed to find somewhere to shelter other than under a nasty old filthy scary car. We do love you Topsy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXXX