William 13th July 2019

Good morning brave Top Tops. It was a quiet afternoon yesterday little girl, and when I went down to the kitchen to chop some salad for my egg rolls, I had a look out there into the garden to see if I could see any cats. There were none there, but I did see a slithering odd pig-eon sticking its big long greedy head from behind one of the thick branches of the big tree where all of the little resting places are. There has not been a sign of them for weeks, and as soon as I put food out there for the little birds and squirrels, they are back. I opened the garden doors to scare the greedy odd thing away, but it just looked at me, and waddled around in circles, so I squirted it one, and it flew away. We thought that it was going to be peaceful for a change, seeing as we had not heard any swamp things, or that mini swamp-witching thing, but we were mistaken. When I went down to the kitchen for my egg salad rolls, the snorting, grunting, and giggling started, and then that big-mouthed mini swamp-witching thing ran out into the smelly old swamp screaming as loud as it could. Some old crow told it to shut up, which I was surprised to hear, and it did not like that at all… it went waddling back inside, but then came back out again a couple of hours before midnight and started screaming and squawking again. I could not take any more of it, put those waxy earoley things in my ears, and read something. I do not know what time it was when I got into bed and fell asleep, but I can remember waking up a few times during the night, and I did not oversleep this morning. When I got down to the kitchen, there was more bottles, tins, and cardboard to go out there to the bins, and when I opened the garden doors, I was expecting Percy and Jenny to come galloping in, but they did not. When I got over there to the bins, poor Percy came along, and then George came galloping up out of the middle of nowhere. I let them into the kitchen, and when I had finished taking the stuff to the bins, I fed them two packets of food, with a load of biscuits each. Of course, George was the first to finish, and went over to Percy to gobble his down, but I managed to put her back out there into the garden before she sucked anything up. When Percy had finished, I put him out, hoping that Jenny would come along, but she did not… so I washed up and got back up here to Molly. She wanted a cuddle, and I was so pleased, Charlie, Jojo, and you love cuddles, but I cannot remember cuddling Tiddles, and I cannot do that now, as she is too heavy to hold in my arms for long. All she eats is a packet of chicken soup and a few biscuits a day, she put on weight when the old ogre made her so ill that she almost passed away. He said that he was fed up with Tiddles fleas keeping on jumping all over him, but she had her treatment every month as you and Charlie did, but he bought some more, and gave her four doses in a month. She was so ill, but he did was not worried, and my poor Mum had to spend a lot of money on getting poor Tiddles better. The medicine that she used made Tiddles put on weight, and she does not seem to be able to loose it… she plays, and runs around the house like any other cat would, though I would not like her to come crashing into my legs, she would knock me flying. When I took Molly to see the nice lady vet last week, she weighed her, and she weighs just over 3kg, I think that Tiddles weighs about 7kg, and I cannot hold her in my arms for long, especially as she is always wriggling. I have to go into town the day after tomorrow little girl, but I should be able to get on here to Charlie and you before I go. I will try to get on here this evening little girl, but if I cannot, I will be back on here in the morning. XXXXX