William 28th June 2019

Good morning brave Topsy. I had just about calmed down when I went back down to the kitchen with Molly just before midday yesterday, but of course, there was yet another big surprise waiting for me. My little sister had gone out, and as I was in the hallway by the big scary old door, she came crashing through it… luckily, I managed to get Molly into the kitchen. If that was not enough, I had wanted to hang some coconutty birdfood thingies on the tree early yesterday afternoon, but I could not even do that. Those mutated swamp things came slithering out there into the smelly old swamp, and stayed there making as much noise as they possibly could for ages… it was if they knew that I wanted to go out there. I eventually got out there very late yesterday afternoon, and just had enough time to hang two coconutty birdfood thingies, then they were out there again as I just got back up here. We are expecting yet another wild party from this afternoon until well gone midnight again, and the terrible singing will be the worst part. I do not know how anyone could sing like that, and then go out in public again, dopey daft me would be too ashamed, but being mutants, I suppose that they have no shame. One of them that sounds the worse, has a face like a cracked teapot, and I am sure that both her eyes are on the side of her big head. The ogress is trundling off out again today, she might have already gone, so I am carrying Molly down to the kitchen with me, I do not want what almost happened yesterday happening again. I will try to get back on here this evening little girl, but if I cannot, I will be back on here tomorrow morning. We do love you Top Tops, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX