William 4th June 2019

Good morning Toppy. It was nice walking into town yesterday, and when I got near that big shoppy place, I felt some rain on my face, and I was looking forward to it raining on the way back home. It was nice and cool in the big shoppy place, but when I left, it was not raining, that rotten odd sun was shining down, and it was terribly hot walking home. Percy came to meet me at the gates, and then Jenny came running along, but I could not let them in, because the ogress was in the kitchen. There was a bit of ball bouncing, and some mini swamp-witch squawking yesterday, but nothing like it usually is, and I did not have to close the big window at all, which was good because it was so hot in here. I do not know how Charlie and dopey me used to cope in the small room keeping out of the old ogres way, it would get so hot in there sometimes, that even two fans did not keep us cool. It is very dark today little girl, I thought that it was going to rain, but it has not yet, and will probably not for about a month. Those lying weathering people say that there will be a good old thundering thunderstorm in a couple of days time, but it will not happen… and if it does, I will run up and down the lane in my boxers… that will give that big nosed, nosey old evil gnome over there something to look at. I was supposed to be going out to another town this afternoon, but I do not want to leave my poor Mum for to long… I was not out long yesterday, but where I was going today is about an eight-mile walk there and back. I will try to come on here this evening little girl, I had horrible trouble with this thing yesterday, I did not think that I would get on here this morning. We do love you Topsy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX