William 17th May 2019

Good morning Toppy. The ogress went out early yesterday, and timed herself to come crashing through the door just as I would have been going down to the kitchen, so I had to wait to go down there. When I did get down there, I looked out there into the garden for Jack, he was there, and when I opened the garden doors, he just came strolling into the kitchen. I gave him some food that Molly used to like, but went off, and he cleared the saucer. I gave him some more, he almost cleared that away as well, then he had some cream, and then he wanted to go back outside. I thought that those greedy odd pig-eons would have gone away by now, but they have now decided to start gobbling down those candley birdfood thingies that I hang out there for the little birds. The thieving odd things do not seem to want to go away, and I cannot understand why they just do not clear off somewhere else, there are plenty more gardens with food. When the ogress went out again, I went back down to the kitchen to hang a couple of coconutty bird food thingies at the other big tree by the, and while I was out there, poor Percy came over to me. As I was going in, he came in with me, and then Jenny ran up… I took the food that Jack had left, opened a packet of food on top, added some biscuits, and put it down for them. The food was soon gone, and when I let them out, George wanted to come in, but I could not let her, as the ogress had just come crashing through the big scary old door. I just washed up, and got back up here out of the way… I cannot remember much else about yesterday, just getting into bed last night for some much needed sleep. I overslept by just over half an hour this morning, but I still feel very knackered, and I forgot to look out there into the gardens for cats when I got down to the kitchen. I did have a look when I went back down to make some coffee, and Percy was curled up asleep by one of the trees, I did not see Jenny anywhere. It is so dark, that I cannot make out the keys, so I am making a lot of mistakes this morning little girl, it is why I am late. I will not be able to come on here tomorrow to Charlie and you, as I am moving stuff onto the landing so that I can have a good old vacuuming up in here… I will try to come on here this evening and tomorrow evening, but if I cannot, I will be back the day after tomorrow. I will not be on here on Monday either, as I have to go out early. We do love you Topsy, we love you so much little girl, and we so miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX